Mar 30, 2023 11:00:00 AM | 6 Min Read

What Are Gable Boxes & How To Use Them

Posted By Bay Cities
What Are Gable Boxes & How To Use Them

People interact with packaging every day. In many cases, they might not even think twice about it. After all, the packaging is not the star of the show; it’s a supporting player — there to ensure the safety of the items it holds.

However, good packaging has the potential to do much more than merely protect. It can also enhance the consumer experience by improving their interactions with its contents. This is one of the many reasons why it pays for brands to be mindful about the packaging they choose, including knowing all of their options.

This brings us to gable boxes. A unique packaging type, gable boxes are distinct in appearance and functionality.

Here’s a closer look at gables boxes, their uses and benefits, and why they may be the right packaging option for your brand and products.

What Is a Gable Box?

More likely than not, you’ve seen — and probably interacted with — a gable box at some point. You may just not have known its name.

Gable boxes are a type of cardboard or linerboard box with a top closure that doubles as a handle. While these are typically rectangular, gable boxes are also customizable, which means they can be configured to your precise specifications for shape and size.

Furthermore, you can also choose to include cardboard inserts to create partitions. This makes them ideal for bottles and other products that benefit from being separated from each other during transportation.

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Uses for Gable Boxes

If you’ve ever carried a Dunkin’ box of MUNCHKINS, you’ve held a gable box.

However, this innovative packaging type is also a perfect fit for many items, including the following:

  • Special gift offers
  • Wine
  • Sodas and other beverages
  • Olive oil
  • Pastries
  • Takeaway meals
  • Many other food products

The Benefits of Gable Boxes

Different packaging types have different benefits. Read on to learn more about where gable boxes shine:


Because of their customizability, gable boxes offer excellent flexibility. Whether you’re looking to package a single cupcake or a half-case of wine, a gable box can be configured to meet your requirements for everything from capacity to durability.

For example, while that single cupcake may need a small box and lightweight packaging, a half-case of wine will require heavier-duty corrugate board and inserts. Both of these scenarios are easily fulfilled with gable boxes.


Protection is a primary function of packaging. Gable boxes deliver here, too.

On that note, don’t be misled by the lightweight nature of that Dunkin’ MUNCHKINS box. While that weight of cardboard is ideal for lighter-weight objects, gable boxes can also be designed with heavier-duty corrugate linerboard for items needing more support and protection during transportation and shipping.

Reuse & Recyclability

Cardboard and corrugate aren’t just durable; they’re also a sustainable choice thanks to their ability to be both reused and recycled.

Just make sure to encourage customers to do both by providing suggestions or instructions, if necessary. The benefits of this are twofold: Not only does this increase the chances that the packaging will be reused or recycled to its potential, but it also informs customers of your commitment to sustainability.

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Brand Visibility & Promotion

Regardless of the size gable box you’re using, there’s ample space for printing the basics, such as brand name, logo, and any other marketing or educational information you’d like to provide. Thanks to sophisticated digital printing capabilities, cardboard is also an excellent medium for personalization as you can incorporate colors and typography to capture and convey your brand identity.

Food Safety. If you’re looking for packaging for food or beverages, gable boxes are an optimal choice — and not only because of their easy portability. With the development of food-safe, water-based inks, gable boxes offer a best-of-both-worlds packaging solution: safe (and sustainable) transport for your products and top-notching branding potential.

Custom Gable Boxes and More With Bay Cities

At Bay Cities, we specialize in helping brands envision, design, and create the perfect packaging for their products — not only by facilitating high-quality consumer experiences through the safe and convenient transportation of items but also by leveraging the marketing opportunities they offer.

For a glimpse into the potential of this unique packaging type for your brand and products, check out our portfolio of gable boxes and contact us today for a quote on your next project. 

Explore Our Portfolio

Topics: Packaging Design, Packaging

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