Jul 22, 2022 11:00:00 AM | 5 Min Read

How Retail Displays Address Every Stage of the Buyer’s Journey

Posted By Bay Cities
How Retail Displays Address Every Stage of the Buyer’s Journey

Retail displays do a lot of work to get a brand's products in front of the eyes of shoppers, but it's also important to understand that they're not just for raking in sales at the moment. A carefully designed display can speak directly to all stages of the buyer's journey: awareness, consideration, and decision. Making an impression can drive future sales — even if they don't necessarily happen while someone is still at the register.

So how do displays attract customers? By leveraging a few fundamental principles of marketing to your advantage.

Stage #1: Awareness

Perhaps the most immediate way retail displays address the buyer's journey is with the earliest stage of all: awareness.

Keep in mind that when people go shopping, they likely have some idea of what they want to buy. Therefore, they probably won't make it down every aisle in a store — meaning that there's a chance they might not come across your products on retail shelves.

However, an attractive display at the register can catch their eye — where retail display options like POP displays have their chance to shine. A larger display on an endcap can also make a huge impression and expose your items to an audience that may not have otherwise discovered them.

Stage #2: Consideration

Another stage of the buyer's journey that retail displays can help with has to do with consideration. When the display's messaging is appropriately targeted, you can speak directly to the pain point that your product solves.

Instead of touting features or technical specifications, speak to the issue someone is trying to address — the job they are looking to do — and how your product will be the solution they're after. This is also an ideal opportunity to differentiate yourself from your competitors.

By and large, consumers are looking for answers. The easier you make for them to find those answers, the more likely they are to at the very least remember your product. Then, when the same issue in their lives comes up again, you've increased the chances that the solution they turn to is yours. It's all about building a meaningful connection with people that will continue to pay off well into the future.

Stage #3: Decision

Retail displays also help in the decision phase. Especially when you consider POP displays located at the register, retail displays are a perfect chance to drive those in-the-moment impulse purchases.

Most people know the experience of being at the checkout counter in a grocery store, seeing some type of item right by the register, and making the last-minute decision to put it in their cart. They may have not even considered such an item a few moments earlier, but that impulse takes hold because of the convenience. This happens countless times every day, and the right retail displays are your opportunity to take advantage of it.

Stage #4: Delight & Beyond

Finally, retail displays are invaluable in attracting potential new customers and making the most out of the ones you already have.

When people purchase one of your products and have a satisfying experience, they're far more likely to make a repeat purchase in the future. At the same time, people lead busy lives, meaning that you're not necessarily going to be at the top of their minds at all times. With a properly placed retail display, loyal customers will have yet another chance to see their favorite brands in stores. This will entice them to check out the display and either buy something they already know they'll like or try something new based on the experience they had in the past.

In the end, retail displays are about more than just simple utility. They help create awareness for your products and help customers make better decisions regarding what to do with their money. They're a crucial part of building a relationship with current and potential customers and have a significant overall impact. When you consider that they can incorporate elements like QR codes to attribute sales to the display even if they're made online, it's easy to see why retail displays have been so effective for so long.

If you'd like to find out more about how retail displays address every stage of the buyer's journey, check out our free ebook, How to be Successful in Retail with a POP Display.

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Topics: Displays

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