May 6, 2024 11:00:00 AM | 4 Min Read

How to Design Packaging for Amazon's SIPP Program

Posted By Bay Cities
How to Design Packaging for Amazon's SIPP Program

In the ever-evolving e-commerce landscape, Amazon continues to set the bar. One example?

The SIPP (Ships in Product Packaging) program. 

This game-changer initiative allows products to ship without additional packaging. For sellers aiming to streamline their operations (and costs), reduce their environmental impact, and attract and retain more customers, utilizing SIPP packaging design is a powerful strategy. 

However, designing packaging that meets Amazon's demanding packing requirements can be challenging. That’s why Bay Cities Packaging and Design, experts in designing effective SIPP, is the perfect partner to assist your business in becoming SIPP compliant and, in doing so, help your business contribute to a more sustainable and efficient e-commerce ecosystem.    

What is Amazon's SIPP Program? 

Rolled out as a trial program with a small group of retailers nearly a decade ago, SIPP has expanded over the years. Most recently, it was extended to all North American sellers who rely on the popular Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) program. 

 Its goal? To mitigate packaging waste and improve sustainability by empowering sellers to ship products in their original packaging. 

 Aligned with Amazon's commitment to environmental responsibility, this eco-friendly initiative is a win-win for sellers and customers alike. It’s also a win for Amazon as it saves them the effort of putting products in boxes. 

 By eliminating unnecessary materials, Amazon packaging contributes to cost savings, eco-friendliness, and satisfied customers who are increasingly prioritizing sustainable packaging

 And the data shows it’s working. 

 In 2021, just 8% of Amazon deliveries shipped in their own packaging. This number climbed to 11% in 2022. As incentives increase and awareness rises, more and more e-commerce companies will get on board with Amazon's packaging imperatives. 

 The takeaway for your business? Failure to make the same shift could cost you your competitive edge. 

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Bay Cities: Your Partner in SIPP Design 

While upgrading to SIPP can be daunting, you don't have to navigate the transition alone. Bay Cities’ expertise in purposeful packaging and commitment to sustainability make us your ideal partner. 

 If you want to ship your products from Amazon Direct to Consumer, we’ll help you develop packaging that meets Amazon SIPP standards. Not only do we know the standards, but we have the certifications to show for it. 

 Every SIPP packaging has its own ASIN #, which is an Amazon-registered barcode. It demonstrates that the product was ISTA-tested and certified to be shipped without external packaging. Items with ASIN #s bypass Amazon fulfillment centers and go straight to Amazon distribution centers to be shipped out. Getting it right is essential for many reasons—not the least of which is that if SIPP products need to go through Amazon Fulfillment, they incur a fee. 

 SIPP success requires a thorough understanding of Amazon's packaging requirements and a strategic approach to packaging design. Bay Cities can help your business with both. To get started, contact us today.

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Topics: Packaging Design, Industry Trends

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