Working from home is the new normal for many workers in all industries. Finding the balance isn't always easy when your home life and work life suddenly become one. At Bay Cities we want to highlight the stories of our team members as they #WFH. In today's #WFH story Bob, who works in Sales, walks us through his work from home experience. Keep reading to find out his biggest take away from #WFH.
Working rigid schedule 8-5:00 with lunch break at noon. Intersperse an occasional walk.
Tuning into webinars and teleconferences.
Spending more time with family. A lot of time goes into planning meals and as a result we are eating real good these days. Board games have become an after-dinner ritual.
Separating home from work and work from home. I miss the personal interaction with co-workers and customers alike.
Oddly enough I am reading less than usual. Instead I have substituted word & number puzzles, scrambles, crosswords, Sudoku etc.
PBS broadcast, discovery channel and car building shows… about 1 hour per day. Very little interest in TV. I miss the Clippers and Angels.
Not…I am doing chores; yard work, washing-waxing cars and wood working projects in my spare time.
I miss my favorite activities and source of exercising of golf, biking and kayaking.
Family games, projects. Beyond the immediate family I use the phone to stay in touch. Really going through my address book talking with old friends
We are using online purchase, online ordering with curbside pick-up only
I am really impressed, proud and grateful of Bay Cities for how well we have adapted.
I see all departments stepping up to make this work.