Working from home is the new normal for many workers in all industries. Finding the balance isn't always easy when your home life and work life suddenly become one. At Bay Cities we want to highlight the stories of our great workers as they #WFH. Read how Bill, who works in Maintenance, is adapting to the change and what his biggest take away of #WFH.
Wake up at 6am and am at my computer to start work at 7am. I take my lunch at noon and work till 3:30 or longer, as needed.
My old commute time is now my time and the dress code is really relaxed, no shoes, t-shirts… etc.
With my workspace next to the kitchen I munch all day long. Also, not able to walk the plant and facility, having to solve problems remotely.
Read “Wingman”, reading “Real Life Adventures” and “Rise of the Dragons”
Movies, Deadliest Catch, Bloomberg, Josh Gates, and with my wife, the “Dead to Me” series.
P90X video workouts
Family games on Zoom once or twice a week, Parking lot visits to Mom and Brother and sister in law. We drive up and talk from the car with masks on.
For some items we visit stores (fresh fruit, veggies, eggs and milk). For the rest, we do internet orders w/curbside pickup.
I do not like sitting in the chair in front of the computer for 8 hours+, I can do more than I thought remotely and I like interacting with my teams. It is lonelier than I thought working from home.